Monday, December 30, 2013
Resolution Revolution For 2014
So many of us begin each new year with a list of New Year's resolutions. We carefully construct a list of things we'd like to change, what bad habit we'd like to give up, what healthy regime we'd like to incorporate into our daily lives in the year ahead and what social endeavors we wish to engage in to round out our lives. Then, as the days of the new year begin to spread before us, we begin to let all those resolutions fade away. We might start smacking that chewing gum to the annoyance of our friends and family. The treadmill begins to collect dust and we stop going to the gym, first just a day here and there and, eventually, we stop going altogether. The low carb diet begins to seem tasteless and boring. The opera and French movies lose their mystic and wonder and we start watching reality shows on TV instead. Because we didn't follow through with all those resolutions we begin to feel bad about ourselves. Our self-esteem plummets and the next thing we know, we're back to the same old habits, behaviors and actions that didn't serve us well in the previous year.
Perhaps we just load up too much change at once and our expectations are too high. It's fine to want to begin changing our lives for the better, but New Year's day isn't the only new day. Every morning we awaken to a new day. We can begin again each day that comes. We can each choose one thing about ourselves that doesn't require all our energy and exhaust us. Perhaps we can decide on just one thing that we can do that would make our lives better or healthier. Make it simple. Make it achievable. We could change something on the inside like our attitude about something. A few things come to mind such as listen more and talk less. Smile even when we're having a bad day. Learn to mind our own business when we are bursting at the seams wanting to give unrequested advice. We might try becoming more mindful of our words. Our words can hurt or they lift someone up. Words are powerful. Like Superman, maybe we should use our power for good.
Anyway, I think you get the idea. We don't need to bend over backwards and grimace with effort to change ourselves. We just need to take one small step at a time.
I hope the New Year brings each of us peace of mind, empathy for others and inner joy.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
I'll be spending the day with my family and a few of my sister's friends tomorrow.
I hope each and everyone of you has a happy, warm and safe Christmas. Peace and joy to your corner of the universe.
I hope each and everyone of you has a happy, warm and safe Christmas. Peace and joy to your corner of the universe.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Coming In The New Year
My new book will be released in the New Year with Painted Pony Books, the YA imprint for Prairie Rose Publications. I am very proud to be a part of this new company. Here's a little something about FLY AWAY HEART:
Great Depression…Rum Runners and Old Fears…Love Against the Odds
Wilding can’t remember a time when she didn’t love the English born Robin
Pierpont, but she knows he loves another so she hides her feelings beneath a
hard veneer of self-protection.
Pierpont dreams of flying airplanes and winning the heart of the one he loves,
but when he gets involved in illegal rum running to help a friend, those dreams
seem to turn into just a fantasy. When he is called upon to face his worst fear
to save Lilith’s life, his fate may be sealed in death.
Also coming in the New Year is Hollow Heart, a story in the WWII era which will be included in the Valentine Anthology, Hearts and Spurs for Prairie Rose Publications.
lost and the hope for possibilities
Andrews is a grown up orphan. Sam Wilding made her feel part of his life, his
family and swore he’d come home to her when the war ended, but he didn’t
return. With the Valentine’s Ball just days away, the Wildings encourage
Madeline to move forward with her life and open her heart to the
possibilities. But Madeline is lost in
old love letters and can’t seem to let go.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving
So maybe some of you are sweating over the casseroles and baked goods, the kitchen filled with the aromas of turkey and other Thanksgiving delights, but if you could get away with it, would you rather just have a catered Thanksgiving? Maybe find a restaurant that's open and go there (I've done that one--no dishes to wash, but no leftovers either)? Show up without a dish because you were so excited about seeing everyone you "forgot" to bring it with you? Okay, so as much as I'd like to celebrate with a bag of chips and a gallon of strawberry ice cream, I like the fun of cooking with the family, sharing in on the latest family gossip and playing board games while we wait for the turkey to get done. I hope each of you is having a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving with the ones you love.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Thank You For Your Service
A couple years ago I asked my friend, Kathy and her brother, Dennis, if I could post an interview with them about their military service and they agreed. Dennis served in Vietnam and Kathy has served in Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan. They have both paid a price for their service and I want to honor them, and other men and women who gallantly serve our country by reposting that interview. And here it is.
Kathy Groce: actively serving in the United states Air Force. She served in
Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan as an
RN in Medical Evac..
1. I would like the American people to know that each war experience is different and each person responds to it differently. Perhaps you can lump generalities together from each war but, no matter what, those who go to war are changed by it in some way. Sometimes the changes are almost undetectable...sometimes they overwhelm. Veterans have faced their own fears and for the most part have put service to our country above their own comfort and safety. For the most part, they have dealt with situations and decisions that the everyday American will never consider. So we come back home from a war and try to fit back in to the times, changes, feelings...and it is hard sometimes.
2. Would I join the service if I had a do over? Yes, I would. The military is a way of life, and though I don't agree with all of it, I like it nonetheless. I learned skills and had experiences that I would never have learned or gotten otherwise.
3. My specific branch of service - Air Force - was pretty good to us. I have no real complaints. They have taken care of me.
4. The most significant thing I learned in the service is that everyone has a responsibility to speak up and to listen up in order to make positive changes. I always thought that those in higher ranks or whoever was in charge knew better ways of doing things than I did...not always true. Some good changes have occurred because someone took the risk of challenging the status quo. The key is learning the proper way to challenge the system.
5. I know that going to war with people makes bonds with them that are hard to break. There is a place in my heart for the folks I deployed with... I know what sacrifices they made and I know how hard we all worked to do our jobs. It is a camaraderie bonus.
Dennis Groce: Served in Viet Vam and is now a private citizen
1. ALL Americans should be very grateful to ALL service members, male and female. Active or retired. For doing their duty for their country! There should be more recognition and less finger pointing, realizing that in order for peace, sacrifices must be made!
2. Age and health permitting, yes I would serve again.
3. Pay for military should be increased and benefits should reflect the difficult training to prepare for a “government" job!
4. I. Learned life survival skills which should be taught to all citizens. Maybe then, the spaces would begin to fill in!
5. My service was mandatory as I was drafted for service in Viet Nam. Every physical exercise was in preparation to either kill or be killed!
It was a Real Change from high school!
A solid mental focus became a natural occurrence when you realize
“I’m not in Kansas anymore“! Overall. I enjoyed the Brotherhood
which developed at all my duty stations. Thanks for your interest in Veterans! God Bless!
I want to thank Kathy Groce and her brother, Dennis for sharing their thoughts and feelings with us about their service to their country. It is such an privilege for me to know both of them.
For more than just for today, I hope that you will honor the Veterans of our country for the sacrifices they have made for us. If you know someone who is a veteran, I hope you call him or her, tell them you care about them and thank them for putting their life on the line for the rest of us. Not every soldier got to come home. Some soldiers’ lives have been forever altered by physical or emotional wounds. If you have the privilege of seeing a veteran today or any day please honor them, thank them and tell them, “Welcome home.”
1. I would like the American people to know that each war experience is different and each person responds to it differently. Perhaps you can lump generalities together from each war but, no matter what, those who go to war are changed by it in some way. Sometimes the changes are almost undetectable...sometimes they overwhelm. Veterans have faced their own fears and for the most part have put service to our country above their own comfort and safety. For the most part, they have dealt with situations and decisions that the everyday American will never consider. So we come back home from a war and try to fit back in to the times, changes, feelings...and it is hard sometimes.
2. Would I join the service if I had a do over? Yes, I would. The military is a way of life, and though I don't agree with all of it, I like it nonetheless. I learned skills and had experiences that I would never have learned or gotten otherwise.
3. My specific branch of service - Air Force - was pretty good to us. I have no real complaints. They have taken care of me.
4. The most significant thing I learned in the service is that everyone has a responsibility to speak up and to listen up in order to make positive changes. I always thought that those in higher ranks or whoever was in charge knew better ways of doing things than I did...not always true. Some good changes have occurred because someone took the risk of challenging the status quo. The key is learning the proper way to challenge the system.
5. I know that going to war with people makes bonds with them that are hard to break. There is a place in my heart for the folks I deployed with... I know what sacrifices they made and I know how hard we all worked to do our jobs. It is a camaraderie bonus.
Dennis Groce: Served in Viet Vam and is now a private citizen
1. ALL Americans should be very grateful to ALL service members, male and female. Active or retired. For doing their duty for their country! There should be more recognition and less finger pointing, realizing that in order for peace, sacrifices must be made!
2. Age and health permitting, yes I would serve again.
3. Pay for military should be increased and benefits should reflect the difficult training to prepare for a “government" job!
4. I. Learned life survival skills which should be taught to all citizens. Maybe then, the spaces would begin to fill in!
5. My service was mandatory as I was drafted for service in Viet Nam. Every physical exercise was in preparation to either kill or be killed!
It was a Real Change from high school!
A solid mental focus became a natural occurrence when you realize
“I’m not in Kansas anymore“! Overall. I enjoyed the Brotherhood
which developed at all my duty stations. Thanks for your interest in Veterans! God Bless!
I want to thank Kathy Groce and her brother, Dennis for sharing their thoughts and feelings with us about their service to their country. It is such an privilege for me to know both of them.
For more than just for today, I hope that you will honor the Veterans of our country for the sacrifices they have made for us. If you know someone who is a veteran, I hope you call him or her, tell them you care about them and thank them for putting their life on the line for the rest of us. Not every soldier got to come home. Some soldiers’ lives have been forever altered by physical or emotional wounds. If you have the privilege of seeing a veteran today or any day please honor them, thank them and tell them, “Welcome home.”
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
A Little Tweaking
Not to make this blog all about me and my picture, but a friend told me I needed to put on some lipstick and a bit of make-up so I did. I made another picture after the tweaking and this is my update on my update.
Monday, October 28, 2013
I'm still me
Things change, illness happens and we get older as the years roll by. For me, all of these things seemed to have happened over the last year. I was seriously ill and wasn't sure I would make it. In gratitude, I did survive and my health seems to be getting back to normal. However, my internal climate has changed forever. While I was fighting to survive cancer, I didn't go to the hairdresser to get my hair colored or trimmed. In fact, I had no hair to be concerned about. Chemo had me in its grip and took my hair along with my strength and my feeling of normalcy.
Now, in the aftermath, my hair has grown back out. It's not as curly as it once was and it's a whole lot thicker than before, but for the first time, I see how gray it has become. Well, maybe I should be glad I've survived this long. I'm 66, not 26. It's still me. I haven't changed on the inside except that now I have life experiences and maybe I'm a little wiser. I hope so anyway. My hairdresser has retired early because of a trauma to her foot and medical issues of her own. I've read the signs and they tell me that it's time to embrace my age and who I am now. So, I took a picture of myself with my gray hair and all my well earned wrinkles and here I am.
I hope you aren't shocked. I'm still me.
Now, in the aftermath, my hair has grown back out. It's not as curly as it once was and it's a whole lot thicker than before, but for the first time, I see how gray it has become. Well, maybe I should be glad I've survived this long. I'm 66, not 26. It's still me. I haven't changed on the inside except that now I have life experiences and maybe I'm a little wiser. I hope so anyway. My hairdresser has retired early because of a trauma to her foot and medical issues of her own. I've read the signs and they tell me that it's time to embrace my age and who I am now. So, I took a picture of myself with my gray hair and all my well earned wrinkles and here I am.
I hope you aren't shocked. I'm still me.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Wishing for a Cowboy Anthology
I've recently signed on with a new publisher, Prairie Rose Publications. They are strickly western and they are opening their doors with a Christmas anthology titled Wishing on a Cowboy in which I am priviledged to have a story along the theme line titled, A Husband For Christmas. PRP will also be opening a YA imprint titled Painted Pony. I am very excited to be a part of this opening publication from Prairie Rose.
Each author in Wishing For A Cowboy will include a recipe mentioned in their story. My contribution is Gingerbread Boys cookies. Just bakiing them makes my house smell like Christmas.
A Husband For Christmas
night of horror and a wish for a new life.
Each author in Wishing For A Cowboy will include a recipe mentioned in their story. My contribution is Gingerbread Boys cookies. Just bakiing them makes my house smell like Christmas.
A Husband For Christmas
night of horror and a wish for a new life.
Pierpont and her son, Robin, survived the Titanic, but her husband went down
with the ship and the emotional scars of that night have kept her and her son
locked into that frightening event. Robin is terrified of deep water and Jane
has nightmares and survivor’s guilt. She yearns for a family, a loving husband
and maybe another child, but she feels disloyal to Michael’s memory whenever
Teekonka RedSky comes near her.
RedSky loves Jane and her son, but all his efforts to help them past their
painful memories of the night Michael Pierpont died have been unsuccessful. Unwilling
to give up, can his Lakota beliefs help him bring peace to Robin and free Jane
to love again?
Monday, September 16, 2013
Halloween's Coming
In time for Halloween, THE CURSE OF THE AMBER TOMB, will soon be released as a single for 99 cents.
Edward , a handsome
photographer afraid of heights and, Kate ,
a lady archeologist afraid to love must face their fears when they discover a
deadly secret in an ancient tomb.
I also have ghosts and creatures and brave people on deadly quests.
New for only 99 cents are HARMONICA JOE'S RELUCTANT BRIDE, a time travel novel with a creepy ghost, and the beginning of the Wildings of Wyoming series and, of course, there's DARK ISLE chocked full of monsters and demons and the first book in the Legends of Winatuke trilogy for a meager 99 cents.
There's plenty of scary things going on, so light the bond fires to keep out the wandering dead souls, grab a cup of nog to fortify your courage and read the books I have written just perfect for Halloween.
An archeologist and
photographer discover a deadly secret.
New for only 99 cents are HARMONICA JOE'S RELUCTANT BRIDE, a time travel novel with a creepy ghost, and the beginning of the Wildings of Wyoming series and, of course, there's DARK ISLE chocked full of monsters and demons and the first book in the Legends of Winatuke trilogy for a meager 99 cents.
There's plenty of scary things going on, so light the bond fires to keep out the wandering dead souls, grab a cup of nog to fortify your courage and read the books I have written just perfect for Halloween.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Introducing the Legends of Winatuke trilogy with DARK ISLE for 99 cents
The Legends of Winatuke is my new paranormal trilogy. All three books are full length novels. You can begin the trilogy with DARK ISLE for only 99cents in ebook at all online bookstores.

DARK ISLE, Legends of Winatuke (book 1)
The legend begins when love and evil collide.
The queen of the Dark Isle has taken the Nimway prince, Gabriel, with the magical voice, prisoner and is determined to send him home in pieces. Her daughter, Jade, has only a little time to save him, but even if she does, will he want someone born of evil?
Once told of his brother's captivity, Raphael must go to the modern world to ask for help to rescue his brother. But his true love, a human, has accidentally crossed over into Winatuke. The chances of her survival are slim to none. Can he save them both?
Once told of his brother's captivity, Raphael must go to the modern world to ask for help to rescue his brother. But his true love, a human, has accidentally crossed over into Winatuke. The chances of her survival are slim to none. Can he save them both?
Digital Format only 99 cents!!
BUY LINKS: available in all formats including print

LAKE OF SORROWS, Legends of Winatuke (book 2)
Just released
The Legends continues
A curse, a quest and undying love
Hawk is a troubled man with a secret seeking redemption. Emma is a burned out doctor weighed down by emotional baggage. Can they forget the past long enough to save Hawk's brother from dying under the curse of the Lake of Sorrows? Or will the secrets hidden the Lake of Sorrows swallow them all under its evil curse and destroy any chance for hope and love?

THE LIGHT OF VALMORA, Legends of Winatuke (book 3)
A quest for an enchanted light...a Gypsy’s love...and a warrior’s sacrifice to save Valmora.
To free his father from the witch-queen of the Dark Isle, Falcon must find the legendary Light of Valmora that lies hidden in the darkest place on earth--right under the witch's feet. To complicate things further, he is falling in love with Izabelle, the Gypsy woman who loves his brother, Peregrine.
Izabelle struggles with her feelings for her first love, Peregrine, and her growing affection for his brother, Falcon, but time is running out and the price of Valmora’s salvation may be the sacrifice of its greatest warrior and Izabelle’s last chance for love.
BUY Links:
Available in all ebook formats including Kindle and in Paperback
To read excerpts, please visit my website.
Thursday, September 05, 2013
In Honor of Richard Groce
My dear friend, Kathy Groce, lost her dad, Richard, yesterday. He had been sick for some time, but his passing into the next life was peaceful. The last time I saw him before he became so ill, he and his wife Lucille went with Kathy and me to Morrow Mountian. They were such a cute couple even after all these years of marriage. Lucille sat on his lap and they snuggled like teenagers. Richard was such a good man, a loving husband and father. He will be truly missed. My thoughts and prayers go with the family.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Family History as Fiction
My Great Grandfather, William McNeal
My great grandfather McNeal fought in the union calvary in the American Civil War. I'm just amazed at the fact that he is just my great grandfather because it makes it seem that the Civil War wasn't fought that long ago. I often use my family history in my fiction books. Today I am talking about my family history in fiction at The Sweethearts of the West blog today and tomorrow (August 18&19). I hope you'll come over and read what I have to say and what books my relatives are in.Sarah
Friday, August 16, 2013
A Sad Day
Today I'm attending the memorial service of Elfriede Milner, the mother of my long time friend, Barbara Christeler. It is sad to lose a mother. Elfriede used to tell stories about her life in Germany and how things were during World War II. She missed her homeland, but she loved her husband more. William Milner was an American soldier when they met. It must have been hard for her to live in a foreign country and have to learn a new language, but she did it for her husband and their three kids. The last few years of her life were filled with pain and suffering, but she's free of that now. I like to imagine her reunited at last with her beloved husband who died in 1978. There they are, arm in arm walking the good road in a place of beauty filled with joy and wonder.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Please Welcome My Guest, Toni Sweeney
Meet Toni Sweeney
V. Sweeney has lived 30 years in the South, a score in the Middle West, and a
decade on the Pacific Coast and now she’s trying for her second 30 on the Great
Plains. Since the publication of her first novel in 1989, Toni divides her time
between writing SF/Fantasy under her own name and romances often set in the
South under her pseudonym Icy Snow Blackstone. She is also publicity manager
for Class Act Books (US) and also Double Dragon Publishing (Canada), and
reviews books for TwoLips Reviews and is also on the review staff of the New
York Journal of Books. She recently had her 27th book published and has six
more scheduled for release in 2013.
Miranda’s Adventures in Interplanetary Babysitting
Once upon a time, my pseudonym Icy Snow Blackstone had this
idea for a story about a babysitter who discovers her employer is an
alien. It wasn’t to be one of those
horror stories, however, but sometimes funny, often dramatic, always a love
It started off like this:
In The Rose and the Dragon, when
Miranda Wilson answers just such an advertisement, she doesn’t realize what
she’s walking into. It could’ve been the
plot of a Gothic novel, with a handsome widower, three orphaned children, and
herself as the innocent governess.
There are odd undercurrents in the Andrus household,
however, and Miranda notices those even before she meets her boss’ younger
brother, a knock-out hunk by the name of Kitten. Before she can say, “That’s a
pretty weird name for a grown man,” Miranda
Wilson, Nanny, finds herself Miranda
Wilson, Alien Abductee, as she’s whisked to the planet Gataeus where
Dominic Andrus is the head of the planet’s largest crime family and Kit is his
chief hitman.
Now, she’s in the middle of an interplanetary war started by
Xander Taluti—a deadly nutcase who’s off his meds and more than one pound short
of a load—with her three charges as the prize.
Xanderf’s sworn to kill Kit and every other Andrus in sight.
What’s an Earthwoman to do?
What Miranda does is help end the war while risking her own
life and becoming even more deeply in love with Kit. When he asks her to stay
with him and not return to Earth, she agrees. His apology for not being able to
marry her, because of this bothersome law his galaxy has about staying isolated
from the solar system…that doesn’t matter. He wants her, she wants him, big Happily Ever After…
…but not for long.
I could’ve left it there, but as usual—you know me—I kept
wondering what would happen when some of the things Dominic and his brother had
hinted about were put into motion. There were just too many things left unsaid.
I had to explain everything.
Didn’t I?
Okay, back to the drawing board—or rather the keyboard—for
Book 2, wherein All is Revealed.
In Dragon in Chains, Miranda has
settled into the Andrus household, Kit committing himself as much as he can by
announcing in front of his family he now considers Miranda his wife in
everything but name. He even gives her the right to discipline his brood of
eight children, a big step for a man who loves his kids as much as Kit does.
Nephew Niki is about to marry Ardala for whom he’s lusted in
private despair for several years. With
the death of his lunatic twin Xander, Zane Taluti has taken leadership of the
Taluti Syndicate and he and Dominic are currently trying to ease their families
into a law-abiding and less criminal way of life as painlessly as possible.
Dragon in Chains
It would appear All is
The Happily Ever After
ends rather abruptly and dramatically, as, on Niki’s wedding night, Dom’s old
nemesis Federation Police Lieutenant Cyran Synubis invades the Andrus housebold,
arresting Kit, Dom, and Niki. Miranda is taken into protective custody. Dom’s
and Kit’s children are separated and placed in foster homes.
The Andrus Dragon is in chains, locked behind bars, and his
Rose finds herself
chief witness for the prosecution in a judicial system where
asking for a lawyer is an admission of guilt and the thin line between truth
and lies could very well condemn the man she loves.
Only a miracle will save Kit, but who’s to say the Dragon
doesn’t still have a secret or three up the sleeve of his prison uniform? Come
to think of it, Kit does look a little smug as he sits in the prisoner’s dock…
The Rose and the Dragon is available at:
Dragon in Chains will be available from Class Act Books on
August 15.
You can find out more about Toni and her books at:
Goodreads: http://
MySpace: http://
Facebook: http://
Amazon: http://
Twitter: @tonivsweeney
Author Database: http://
Ask David: http://
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Goodreads: http://
MySpace: http://
Facebook: http://
Amazon: http://
Twitter: @tonivsweeney
Author Database: http://
Ask David: http://
Youtube: http://
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Christmas in July Celebration
Hey y'all, Publishing by Rebecca Vickery and all it's imprints are having a Christmas in July celebration giving away a bunch of free books and books for $0.99. Only one more day left so don't miss out.
I know. It's hard to think of Christmas when the thermometer is soaring above 80 degrees and the humidity is driving you indoors under the cooling hum of the air conditioner, but I can really get into it when I get presents like free books or books for under a dollar.
My Christmas story, Gifts From the Afterlife is FREE today and tomorrow.
Just go to
If you want to get in on all the action and get some get free books or books for 99 cents go to Rebecca Vickery's place and load up.
Now get on over there and get some free stuff.
I know. It's hard to think of Christmas when the thermometer is soaring above 80 degrees and the humidity is driving you indoors under the cooling hum of the air conditioner, but I can really get into it when I get presents like free books or books for under a dollar.
My Christmas story, Gifts From the Afterlife is FREE today and tomorrow.
Just go to
and insert the coupon code: HF87W at the checkout.
How dark must
it get before Lydia sees the light?
Sinclair’s life has run off the rails.
She has lost everyone she loves and Christmas has lost its meaning. As Christmas approaches, Lydia wants to go to
sleep and never wake up again. Perhaps
an angel, some ghosts and a childhood sweetheart can convince her that life is
worth living again. Can Lydia let go of
what once was, renew her joy in Christmas and find the promise of hope for her
If you want to get in on all the action and get some get free books or books for 99 cents go to Rebecca Vickery's place and load up.
Now get on over there and get some free stuff.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Christmas In July with FREE BOOKS!!
Here it is, July and hotter than Hades. My air conditioner died after its control system was hit by lightning and I've been hanging out under ceiling fans and using the attic fan to pull air from outside into the house. That may have made matters worse. Finally, the sir conditioner man came today and there's cool air coming through the vents. It's nice to think of cold weather and Christmas when it's broiling hot out.
To celebrate Christmas in July, my publisher and some of the authors are offering free books from now until July 31.
Here is the link to collect your free stories:
I loaded up on free books, too.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Thursday, July 04, 2013
We celebrate the Fourth of July with food, firewords and music now, but the fight to free America was paid for in lives by brave men and women willing to risk all to be free. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that. Nobody just decided one day that the United States of America should become its own country, make its own laws and allow the freedom of elections of its leaders to every citizen.
Today we honor those who won our freedom for us.
I'm going to have a fun evening with my family and eat those great hotdogs. Later tonight I'm going to watch my neighbor's fireworks from my deck. My neighbors are new American citizens from San Salvador. And all the while, I'm going to keep in mind that American soldiers are still fighting to keep us free. I hope someday very soon they can all come home and we can enjoy peace.
I hope everyone has a fun and safe Fourth of July.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Scary Research
When I began writing the paranormal series, Legends of Winatuke, I knew that I would have a witch so wicked and vile that even the demons and creatures over which she ruled would be terrified to gain her displeasure. Well first, I had to know something about magic...and I don't mean the kindly white witch kind. I had to delve deep into the black arts. So I shopped around for a book that might give me the information about spells and ceremonies enough to write about the witch, Mahara, without getting involved with something dark and evil for myself. I came upon a book about witches from Writer's Digest that seemed to fit the bill and began browsing the pages for some helpful information.
Just when ya think a thing may be benign and simple, look out. I read what real witch covens do, like stealing babies, sacrificing them and I cannot bring myself to tell you what they do to them. It gave me nightmares and brought down a cloud of darkness on my day. Even the terrible Mahara could not do these things. So I snapped that book shut and that was the end of my research into the dark arts. I burned sage and walked through my house saying blessings just in case I had brought something evil into my home just by reading or by thought.
After that, I kept my research into the healing arts, herbs, accupuncture and only white witch spells.
Mahara makes her first appearance in DARK ISLE, a story about the world of Winatuke where evil exists and special beings with unique wings battle with humans against the malignant creatures of the Dark Isle.
The Legends of Winatuke series begins with Dark Isle when the Nimway prince, Gabriel, shows up at Mahara's castle door. Naturally, she throws him into the dungeon and plans to torment his parents by sending them bits of their son just for fun. Jade is attracted to Gabriel and wants to save him, but Mahara's power is much greater than hers. Jade risks her life to go to Valmora where her enemies live and plead with Gabriel's borther, Raphael and his parents to trust her enough to save Gabriel's life.
Prince Raphael uses the magical Rock of Ages to travel to the modern world in another dimension to get help from their human friends and face his own dilemma in the form of Rose McKnight, the only woman he ever loved, but who wants nothing to do with him or the world of Winatuke.
Dark Isle has just released in digital format and will soon be available in print as well. Here are the BUY LINKS:
Have you ever gone to a weird place in researching for a work in progress? Maybe you've read a book that scared you or made your hands burn just touching the pages. I hope you'll share your experiences with me.
I'm going to give away a digital copy of DARK ISLE to someone who comments on this blog. Remember to add your email address in your comment for a chance to win. I'll announce the winner next Sunday on June 30.
Just when ya think a thing may be benign and simple, look out. I read what real witch covens do, like stealing babies, sacrificing them and I cannot bring myself to tell you what they do to them. It gave me nightmares and brought down a cloud of darkness on my day. Even the terrible Mahara could not do these things. So I snapped that book shut and that was the end of my research into the dark arts. I burned sage and walked through my house saying blessings just in case I had brought something evil into my home just by reading or by thought.
After that, I kept my research into the healing arts, herbs, accupuncture and only white witch spells.
Mahara makes her first appearance in DARK ISLE, a story about the world of Winatuke where evil exists and special beings with unique wings battle with humans against the malignant creatures of the Dark Isle.
legend begins when love and evil collide.
The Legends of Winatuke series begins with Dark Isle when the Nimway prince, Gabriel, shows up at Mahara's castle door. Naturally, she throws him into the dungeon and plans to torment his parents by sending them bits of their son just for fun. Jade is attracted to Gabriel and wants to save him, but Mahara's power is much greater than hers. Jade risks her life to go to Valmora where her enemies live and plead with Gabriel's borther, Raphael and his parents to trust her enough to save Gabriel's life.
Prince Raphael uses the magical Rock of Ages to travel to the modern world in another dimension to get help from their human friends and face his own dilemma in the form of Rose McKnight, the only woman he ever loved, but who wants nothing to do with him or the world of Winatuke.
Dark Isle has just released in digital format and will soon be available in print as well. Here are the BUY LINKS:
I'm going to give away a digital copy of DARK ISLE to someone who comments on this blog. Remember to add your email address in your comment for a chance to win. I'll announce the winner next Sunday on June 30.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Wild Things I’ve Done for Research
I write a story, I like to get the details right. Wouldn’t it just be
embarrassing to find a mistake in a technical detail of a story? You know
someone, somewhere is going to call you on it and then the public humiliation
will follow. To avoid all that, I check the facts and try to live the
experience. Just so you know, I won’t be riding a bucking bronco no matter how
many scenes I may write with one in it. Nope. Not gonna happen.
I wrote Dark Isle, I included the McKnights, a human family who liked to fly airplanes, little
Cessnas to be exact and in one scene, the airplane is piloted by a winged
Nimway. The Nimway knew how to fly with his wings, but flying a machine was
another matter. Naturally, he stalled the engine and the plane began hurtling
toward the earth. I know nothing about airplanes except they are supposed to
stay in the air and I still don’t know why. It just so happened that one of the
doctors I worked with in the ER was a licensed pilot. Dr. Sonny Morton was my
go-to guy for details about flying—and stalling—an airplane. He showed me how
to read an aerial map, what things needed to be checked before each flight and
what would cause a plane to go into a spin. Well, next thing ya know, Sonny
said the only way I was really going to write about a flying experience would
be to actually go on a flight with him. I have to stop and tell you right here
and now I am terrified of flying on a big plane, but on a little Cessna…there
isn’t a word beyond terrified to describe my feelings. My heart raced and I
broke out in a cold sweat. I shook my head unable to even say the word no. Then this little writer’s voice in
the back of my mind said, “Is that all you got? You can’t even be brave enough
to get the story right? Surely you have some courage deep down inside
somewhere.” Before I knew what I was about to do, I agreed to go.
loved how thorough Sonny was about checking the plane and telling me each
detail of what he was checking—and then he checked everything again. I should
mention here that Sonny is a meticulous and methodical person. It’s just his
nature and as much as I found that annoying at
work, on this particular day I was glad for his perfectionism. We got
into the plane and put on our headphones. The engine is very loud and headphones
provide a convenient way to communicate. My camera hung around my neck while I
clung like a monkey to the back of his seat with one hand and the scaredy-cat
bar with the other. He called to the tower our serial numbers and flight plan,
found out what runway we’d use and off we went. I learned all about the
transponder that is set for the destination and what the term “step on the
ball” means when the plane goes into a spin and you have to pull it out. Before
we reached our destination in Asheville, NC, he turned to me and said, “You
know, if the plane goes down, clinging to it won’t protect you.” Well, I hadn’t
thought of that. I had just gone into protective mode like I do when I’m in the
car with my nephew. I also learned there weren’t any parachutes on board and no
airbags. We hit a crosswind as we landed and hit the runway hard. All I knew
was that I was back on the sweet earth. I could have dropped to my knees and
kissed the runway. I didn’t know until later when Sonny told me, that the
landing had been the most dangerous part of the flight.
the flight was over, something in me changed. A feeling of accomplishment
almost like euphoria took hold of me. I had done something I didn’t think I
could do and I did it for the sake of my story. I can’t say that I’d pop into a
plane and do it again without an ounce of fear, but I can say that I felt good
about myself for pushing my fear aside to do something I would have never
thought I could do.
Have you ever done something that was difficult for you for the sake of something or someone important to you? Did your experience change you in any way? Would you do it again? I hope you’ll share your experience with me.
THE DARK ISLE coming soon from Publishing by Rebecca Vickery
Find out how it all started at the beginning of The Legends of
Winatuke series: THE DARK ISLE
Can love abide when evil awakens?
The queen of the Dark Isle has taken the Nimway prince, Gabriel, prisoner and is determined to send him home in pieces. Her daughter has only a little time to save him, but even if she does, will he want someone born of evil?
Once told of his brother's captivity, Raphael must go to the modern world to ask for help to rescue his brother. But his true love, a human, has accidently crossed over into Winatuke. The chances of her survival are slim to none.
The queen of the Dark Isle has taken the Nimway prince, Gabriel, prisoner and is determined to send him home in pieces. Her daughter has only a little time to save him, but even if she does, will he want someone born of evil?
Once told of his brother's captivity, Raphael must go to the modern world to ask for help to rescue his brother. But his true love, a human, has accidently crossed over into Winatuke. The chances of her survival are slim to none.
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Find out how it all started at the beginning of The Legends of Winatuke series: THE DARK ISLE
Can love abide when evil awakens?
The queen of the Dark Isle has taken the Nimway prince, Gabriel, prisoner and is determined to send him home in pieces. Her daughter has only a little time to save him, but even if she does, will he want someone born of evil?
Once told of his brother's captivity, Raphael must go to the modern world to ask for help to rescue his brother. But his true love, a human, has accidently crossed over into Winatuke. The chances of her survival are slim to none.
The Legend continues with LAKE OF SORROWS coming up next.
A curse, a quest and undying love.
Both books will be available for $.99 even though they are full length novels. Quite a bargain. They will also be offered in paperback, but price is unknown at this time.
Find out how it all started at the beginning of The Legends of Winatuke series: THE DARK ISLE
Can love abide when evil awakens?
The queen of the Dark Isle has taken the Nimway prince, Gabriel, prisoner and is determined to send him home in pieces. Her daughter has only a little time to save him, but even if she does, will he want someone born of evil?
Once told of his brother's captivity, Raphael must go to the modern world to ask for help to rescue his brother. But his true love, a human, has accidently crossed over into Winatuke. The chances of her survival are slim to none.
The Legend continues with LAKE OF SORROWS coming up next.
A curse, a quest and undying love.
Both books will be available for $.99 even though they are full length novels. Quite a bargain. They will also be offered in paperback, but price is unknown at this time.
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