My day job was as an emergency room nurse. I retired from it in April 2009. I have been writing since I was a kid. That's a long time ago. LOL I first published with 5 short stories then into novels. I enjoy living here in the South but my original home is Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. I have two sisters, one of whom is an artist. All of us are nurses because my dad wanted us to go into nursing because he wanted us to have a reliable job. I have to say that, no matter what the economy is doing, I've never been without a job. I guess that's a good thing. I have two pets all of which are rescue animals: the Golden Retriever Lily, and my cat, Liberty.
My previous Golden Retriever, Kate, died last year on February 13 and an hour later, my oldest sister, Marlene ("Snookie") died. It was a horrible day for me filled with grief. This February 4th, I lost my big yellow kitty, Acorn, who succumbed to cancer even after his surgery a year ago. He was quite a character and I will miss him terribly.
To all the mothers and daughters all over the world, I bid you joy and love.
Until I was twenty-seven years old I took Mother's day for granted. I took having a mother for granted. We did, as most families do on this special day. We gave our mother breakfast in bed, dinners out at her favorite restaurant or had cook-outs in the back yard or down in the orchard. We showered our mother with gifts and we always made her a cake--from scratch. Mother's Day celebrations, for us, were intermingled with trips to the hospital, beeping monitors and days when Mom couldn't get out of bed. I was used to these episodes of illness from the time I was five. I never imagined that Mom would go to the hospital one day and never come home again. That was way back in November 1974. A lot of years have passed since then. But no matter how happy I am on most days of the year, Mother's Day is when I miss my mother the most. It's the one day that makes my heart ache and it doesn't seem to lessen after all these years. So I accept that this one day is probably going to always be the saddest day of the year for me. It's when a mother's unconditional love passed from my life. So for this one day, I will remember Charlene Hilda McNeal and hold her close to my heart. She meant the world to me. I love you Mom.
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