Christmas is right around the corner and, finally, I am done shopping. I'm getting ready to do some baking for Christmas Brunch in just a bit. My tree is decorated and my presents are wrapped. It's a great feeling of accomplishment to have it all done. Whew!
I feel better now that I made some donations to my favorite charities, The Humane Society of the United States, the Humane Society of Charlotte and Defenders of Wildlife. All I have to do is watch Animal Planet when they're doing Animal Cops or see the advertisement featuring abused animals with Sarah McLaughlin singing In The Arms of an Angel and I am driven to do something. It's so heart wrenching to watch. Cesar Millan is right up there with Stephen Hawkings on my hero list.
I want to tell you that BITTER NOTES will be released by Amira Press around the middle of January and I am really excited about it. Yeehaw! It was inspired by an actual event. Day after day I drove by this house that had a baby grand piano sitting out in the front yard. At first, I thought they were having difficulty figuring out how to get the huge thing in their house. But when I saw it sitting out there in the pouring rain, I knew it was left out there on purpose. It was so sad when, eventually, its rotted boards and splintered keyboard sat on the side of the road waiting on the garbage collector. God, why didn't they donate it to charity or to a school where its purpose could have been fulfilled--filling the world with the sounds of beautiful music? It broke my heart and so I wrote a story about it. It's a story of revenge, letting go and hope. Please check out my books section for the blurb and excerpt.
In the meantime, I hope you have a safe and memorable holiday. Merry Christmas!!
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