Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Way back when, my dad took this picture of our family when he and mom had my oldest sister, Marlene. You can't see it but, in Pop's hands, he has the trip wire for the camera. He had so many interests that it was hard to keep up with them all but photography was one. So here they were with their first baby when my dad became a dad for the very first time. I would be his last.
I look at this picture sometimes when I feel like I've lost my way or I need a hug. Just being in my dad's presence often made me feel safe and calm. He was the solid base we all leaned on and the wisdom I frequently called upon.
No one in this picture is living now. I miss them. Sometimes I dream about them. It brings me peace.
So on this Father's Day, I remember Pop with fond memories for the times we shared while he was still on the earth. Happy Father's Day. Pop. I will always love you.

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